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Why, Who, What, How, Next...

I'm "J", a 40+ year old man in a longterm committed relationship with my wife, whom I love.  I'm also the founder of MoodCrest. I truly could never have imagined I would be here writing this, let alone creating MoodCrest for Men.  However, I recently had my first erection issue. Yikes! It quickly became a significant mental challenge, and ended up changing everything. Well, it didn't change everything, but it had a big impact.  Good news, it made me deeply realize a few things. Sex is a REALLY important part of any intimate relationship.  With a little bit of work and attention we can actually IMPROVE our sex lives as we get older. Your partner is probably a much more willing participant than you think.  

After my erection incident I immediately sought out Viagra, as so many do.  My goal was NOT to have another incident, ever. Viagra is interesting in that it does NOT help you get an erection, it only helps you maintain an erection.  This was not great news, because my issue was the getting an erection part. So I started researching.  Most of what I found was more pills, various paid programs, and a bunch of other things that seemed shady. I'm a fit guy and am not interested shady pills.  I'm also dubious about paid programs. I did find some good articles about how it's natural for people in longterm relationships to need a boost to get in the mood.  Also, and too my ignorant surprise, most of the erotic content out there is made by women, for women. I didn't find much "get you in the mood" content for men".

At the same time all of the above was happening I was in the middle of incidentally changing how my wife and I discussed sex.  For the most part before my erection incident we didn't talk about sex.  Not because we are uptight about it, it just didn't have a place.  However, once you start with Viagra you pretty much have to talk to your partner.  For one thing, you have to take 'V' about an hour before sex.  And you should take 'V' on an empty stomach.   All this pre sex planning requires conversations and negotiations with your partner.  I wasn't thrilled to be having these pre-planning conversations, to say the least. On the other hand it opened the door for talking about sex. 

Fast forward a few weeks post 'incident' and I found an article that recommended listening to erotic audio stories before sex as a form of sex prepping.  Finally, a smart, simple, easily tested solution, to my actual issue. Away from my wife or course, I went into Spotify and found a TON of erotic topic podcasts, but they were more how to, and very not sexual.  I also found quite a few sexual erotic audio stories, but they were often designed for W-to-M, and W-to-W.  Overly romantic for my needs.  Eventually, I did find an erotic audio story that seemed right.  I saved it for our pre-planned sex date. On the day of, we arranged our time.  About 2hours before our sex date, I went on a hike.  I popped my Vigra a bit past half way into the hike, on the downhill.  (BTW - this is not very smart as Viagra massively spikes blood pressure). I also started listening to my saved erotic podcast. I didn't want get an erection out in public, so I'd listen to a bit of the erotic story, get a bit aroused, go back to music.  I repeated this several times until I got home. 

Once home I took my shower.  Part B of m
y plan was to lay in bed and listen for about 10 minutes while my wife took her shower.  I did not tell my wife about this new erotic audio stories thing, it felt too weird at the time.  Once in bed, put only my right side headphone in (the side she can't easily see) and started listening. The voice was some sort of sexy AI, which worked fine for me.  However, as I started getting into things, the story itself got worse, much worse.  The writing was really bad. But there I was so I decided to just kind of let my own thoughts drift into a sexual place while vaguely listening. A mediative approach.  I've never really meditated, but there I was, I had to make this work. I also made a choice to focus my meditative fantasies on my actual wife.  Intuitively, I knew I needed to be primed for the experience I was about to actually have with my real wife, while actively avoiding being too engaged in a distant fantasy. I admit this was all a kind of happy accident at the time.  With the combined effect of Viagra, an erotic audio story backdrop, and my meditative fantasy of my real partner - I became far more than erect.  I became super aroused, a state I had not been in for so long I had forgotten how powerful and exciting it is.

Once my wife showed up I was ready to TAKE her. First I had to flick the earbud out, which was odd, but luckily worked quick enough not to be a problem.  And next came the advantage of being a 40+ man.  I did not just want to jump into her and have an orgasm.  I deeply wanted to get her to a peak arousal state too.  I wanted to use my breathing, my eyes, and my body to express both craving and control, at the same time.  She was the only object of my desire at that moment, and I wanted her to feel all of that. I also wanted her to feel that I was committed to her pace, even though I was starting at full steam. I used willpower and restraint to hold back and tease.  The entire foreplay she could not miss that I had a very FULL erection. By the time we had sex it was animalistic, explosive, and super physical.  This isn't an erotic story, so I'll leave out further details. I will say it might be the best sex we've ever had, and at least top 10.       

About an hour after our fantastic erotic audio primed sex I decided to tell my wife about the whole thing.  Yes, I was a little nervous.  I explained to her about the issues with Viagra, and that I needed a primer, and that I chose a very poorly written erotic audio story, and that I had to sort of sensually meditate to make it all work. Her reaction was a super pleasant surprise.  She was enthusiastic and curious. In fact, I think it was her that mentioned that there must be a lot of men / couples in committed relationships with these issue. We also discussed how starting with uncomfortable Viagra conversations happily led to this more open sexual conversation.  We discussed her need too!  Duh, she also has needs that went undiscussed.  And after my previous research about women's needs I was much more ready for the conversation.  I won't go into the details here, but I will later, in a dedicated post. For now I will say - opening the conversation has led to greatly improved sex. Truly some of the best in our relationship! 

The choice to start MoodCrest was surprisingly quick and simple.  I'm already a 'software and apps' guy.  I already have experience with AI publishing.  And now I'm a guy with a direct and important sex prepping need.  The market is large, but there are few good solutions, beyond Viagra, which on its own is not a total solution.  Crucially, my wife is totally on-board! In my experience those are the essential the ingredients to start a new product.  

The best way I personally know how to describe things is in the order they happen.  And along the way are the details that matter.  Below we will go through how MoodCrest is evolving, and more importantly what it is evolving into.

December 1st 2023, was the real beginning of MoodCrest.  For me the real beginning something is buying a domain / naming it. For those who have not started new digital things I can testify to the fact that it is both incredibly easy and challenging, at the same time!  The number of details, new systems, passwords, and such is dizzying. The value for me however, is that I need to make things to truly consider them.  And then after I truly consider them I usually remake them, and so on...  I do this until I have a minimum viable product (MVP) that I'm willing to show people I that know. In this case the plan was/is the same.  The difference is I'm not just showing a digital product, I'm exposing some seriously personal stuff!!  Better get the details right!  Better get the motivation right!

Jan 1st 2023.  I'm a time to goal oriented person.  My goal was to have a BETA product up by Jan 1st.  I am writing that today, Jan 1st.  I made it.  BETA means released publicly, but in a small way, and with expected challenges.  This BETA release should have enough content that it can service the primary mission for anyone who might happen to find it.  It should also have at least a beginning to the major ideas intended to be part of the main public release.  I think we hit all the marks for a good BETA.  Below I'll list some of the less obvious details.

WHO IS MoodCrest - MC is my self and several other contributors. I've started many things and early recruiting is always hard before success.  In the case of MC getting people involved was and continues to be one of the less challenging parts.  Those involved come in 2 groups.  Group 1, is people I know from a more product type perspective.  These are both men and women.  Most over 40.  And most once they hear my story, share one of their own.  And then often ask, "What do you need help with?" Group 2 is authors. I have reached out to several erotic authors and gotten positive responses.  For the author group it's been about asking permission to use and edit their content for audio.  The ones I've met so far have been incredibly supportive.       

PRIVACY - I knew from the start that I want my privacy in this, and so will MC users.  The most familiar part of this privacy is about what big companies collect on users and how they use it. That part is mostly out of our control. Meaning if you or any of us use a podcast app or normal device it's those companies that get to determine what's private and what's not.  My point about privacy is to allow me and you to engage erotic content without it showing up in embarrassing places.  Credit card statements, is a potentially embarrassing place.  But also I know that most users will not immediately expose this to their partners.  What we can control is to make sure that if your partner does find out you are engaging MoodCrest, that she will also see a destination dedicated to improving the sexual health and performance of your relationship with her.  Another part of privacy is giving advise that will help you address this with your partner.  In other words, part of privacy is to reduce the critical need for it. 

COST - We are dedicated to being a cost free service.  As mentioned above privacy is one of the big drivers for keeping things cost free.  We may add advertising in the future,
assuming we find clients that fit the MC mission.

BEYOND AUDIO - While researching and building out this BETA I have found tons of information that anyone who wants to improve their sex life should know.  Viagra.  Sexual Meditation.  Her needs. Talking to her.  Talking to him. Masturbation.  And so on...  The plan is to start by creating / sourcing sexual wellness content to that will compliment the primary MC mission.  Additionally, MC will likely add other categories as we grow and find resources and time.

As you probably know starting a new digital product is A-LOT of work, involving countless details.  So, for those of you that may have made it this far, I will continue this, and explain some of the really cool and interesting things that I'm learning through this new venture.  


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